Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Computer Vision Masterclass
Learn the Most up to Date Techniques in Data Mining from Regression to Deep Neural Networks and Computer Vision Algorithms
This course is about the fundamental concepts of machine learning, focusing on regression, SVM, decision trees and neural networks. These topics are getting very hot nowadays because these learning algorithms can be used in several fields from software engineering to investment banking. Learning algorithms can recognize patterns which can help detect cancer for example or we may construct algorithms that can have a very good guess about stock prices movement in the market.
In each section we will talk about the theoretical background for all of these algorithms then we are going to implement these problems together. We will use Python with Sklearn, Keras and TensorFlow.
- Machine Learning Algorithms: regression and classification problems with Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes Classifier, kNN algorithm, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and Decision Trees
- Neural Networks: what are feed-forward neural networks and why are they useful
- Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks and their applications such as sentiment analysis or stock prices forecast
- Computer Vision and Face Detection with OpenCV
Thanks for joining my course, let's get started!
Your Instructor
My name is Balazs Holczer. I am qualified as a physicist and later on I decided to get a master degree in applied mathematics. At the moment I am working as a simulation engineer at a multinational company. I have been interested in algorithms and data structures and its implementations especially in Java since university. Later on I got acquainted with machine learning techniques, artificial intelligence, numerical methods and recipes such as solving differential equations, linear algebra, interpolation and extrapolation. These things may prove to be very very important in several fields: software engineering, research and development or investment banking. I have a special addiction to quantitative models such as the Black-Scholes model, or the Merton-model. Quantitative analysts use these algorithms and numerical techniques on daily basis so in my opinion these topics are definitely worth learning.
Course Curriculum
StartWhat is logistic regression? (11:54)
StartLogistic regression and maximum likelihood estimation (4:58)
StartLogistic regression example I - sigmoid function (11:29)
StartLogistic regression example II- credit scoring (10:53)
StartLogistic regression example III - credit scoring (5:51)
StartMathematical formulation of logistic regression
StartWhat is the k-nearest neighbor classifier? (5:52)
StartConcept of lazy learning (3:33)
StartDistance metrics - Euclidean-distance (6:47)
StartBias and variance trade-off (3:51)
StartK-nearest neighbor implementation I (7:10)
StartK-nearest neighbor implementation II (8:45)
StartK-nearest neighbor implementation III (4:12)
StartMathematical formulation of k-nearest neighbor classifier
StartWhat is the naive Bayes classifier? (10:03)
StartNaive Bayes classifier illustration (4:24)
StartNaive Bayes classifier implementation (4:01)
StartWhat is text clustering? (8:55)
StartText clustering - inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) (4:42)
StartNaive Bayes example - clustering news (14:23)
StartMathematical formulation of naive Bayes classifier
StartWhat are Support Vector Machines (SVMs)? (5:19)
StartLinearly separable problems (14:10)
StartNon-linearly separable problems (6:32)
StartKernel functions (9:49)
StartSupport vector machine example I - simple (10:50)
StartSupport vector machine example II - iris dataset (6:31)
StartSupport vector machines example III - parameter tuning (7:17)
StartSupport vector machine example IV - digit recognition (10:04)
StartSupport vector machine example V - digit recognition (5:43)
StartAdvantages and disadvantages (2:32)
StartMathematical formulation of Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
StartDecision trees introduction - basics (7:43)
StartDecision trees introduction - entropy (8:56)
StartDecision trees introduction - information gain (7:51)
StartThe Gini-index approach (10:00)
StartDecision trees introduction - pros and cons (2:31)
StartDecision trees implementation I (5:50)
StartDecision trees implementation II - parameter tuning (4:28)
StartDecision tree implementation III - identifying cancer (4:49)
StartMathematical formulation of decision trees
StartPruning introduction (6:56)
StartBagging introduction (7:49)
StartRandom forest classifier introduction (5:36)
StartRandom forests example I - iris dataset (4:14)
StartRandom forests example II - credit scoring (3:29)
StartRandom forests example III - OCR parameter tuning (9:49)
StartMathematical formulation of random forest classifiers
StartBoosting introduction - basics (4:18)
StartBoosting introduction - illustration (5:40)
StartBoosting introduction - equations (7:13)
StartBoosting introduction - final formula (8:27)
StartBoosting implementation I - iris dataset (6:29)
StartBoosting implementation II -wine classification (11:46)
StartBoosting vs. bagging (3:08)
StartMathematical formulation of boosting
StartK-means clustering introduction (9:57)
StartK-means clustering example (7:49)
StartK-means clustering - text clustering (9:01)
StartDBSCAN introduction (6:25)
StartDBSCAN example (8:43)
StartHierarchical clustering introduction (6:33)
StartHierarchical clustering example (8:10)
StartHierarchical clustering - market segmentation (9:34)
StartMathematical formulation of clustering
StartComputer vision introduction (3:49)
StartViola-Jones algorithm (10:53)
StartHaar-features (8:31)
StartIntegral images (6:22)
StartBoosting in computer vision (6:18)
StartCascading (4:13)
StartFace detection implementation I - installing OpenCV (2:50)
StartFace detection implementation II - CascadeClassifier (9:58)
StartFace detection implementation III - CascadeClassifier parameters (4:06)
StartFace detection implementation IV - tuning the parameters (4:51)
StartFace detection implementation V - detecting faces real-time (5:22)
StartArtificial neural networks - inspiration (5:20)
StartArtificial neural networks - layers (4:42)
StartArtificial neural networks - the model (5:09)
StartWhy to use activation functions? (6:46)
StartNeural networks - the big picture (9:07)
StartUsing bias nodes in the neural network (1:44)
StartHow to measure the error of the network? (4:46)
StartOptimization with gradient descent (8:28)
StartGradient descent with backpropagation (6:33)
StartBackpropagation explained (12:15)
StartMathematical formulation of feed-forward neural networks
StartConvolutional neural networks basics (6:04)
StartFeature selection (4:11)
StartConvolutional neural networks - kernel (4:16)
StartConvolutional neural networks - kernel II (5:42)
StartConvolutional neural networks - pooling (5:47)
StartConvolutional neural networks - flattening (4:59)
StartConvolutional neural networks - illustration (2:38)
StartMathematical formulation of convolution neural networks
StartWhy do recurrent neural networks are important? (4:30)
StartRecurrent neural networks basics (8:58)
StartVanishing and exploding gradients problem (9:22)
StartLong-short term memory (LSTM) model (10:55)
StartGated recurrent units (GRUs) (3:23)
StartMathematical formulation of recurrent neural networks
StartMarkov decision processes basics I (5:38)
StartMarkov decision processes basics II (6:21)
StartMarkov decision processes - equations (12:00)
StartMarkov decision processes - illustration (7:49)
StartBellman-equation (5:41)
StartHow to solve MDP problems? (2:20)
StartWhat is value iteration? (6:28)
StartWhat is policy iteration? (3:52)
StartMathematical formulation of reinforcement learning
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation I (3:45)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation II (7:38)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation III (7:26)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation IV (7:27)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation V (4:56)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation VI (12:06)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation VII (6:23)
StartTic tac toe with Q learning implementation VIII (6:39)
StartTic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation I (3:53)
StartTic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation II (6:27)
StartTic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation III (10:39)
StartTic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation IV (5:05)
StartTic Tac Toe with deep Q learning implementation V (4:43)
StartImages and pixel intensities (5:13)
StartHandling pixel intensities I (6:18)
StartHandling pixel intensities II (5:16)
StartWhy convolution is so important in image processing? (12:07)
StartImage processing - blur operation (5:08)
StartImage processing - edge detection kernel (5:38)
StartImage processing - sharpen operation (3:43)
StartLane detection - the problem (1:44)
StartLane detection - handling videos (5:36)
StartLane detection - first transformations (4:21)
StartWhat is Canny edge detection? (6:32)
StartGetting the useful region of the image - masking (13:20)
StartDetecting lines - what is Hough transformation? (10:30)
StartDrawing lines on video frames (9:05)
StartTesting lane detection algorithm (2:19)
StartHistogram of oriented gradients basics (3:48)
StartHistogram of oriented gradients - gradient kernel (6:55)
StartHistogram of oriented gradients - magnitude and angle (7:42)
StartHistogram of oriented gradients - normalization (4:46)
StartHistogram of oriented gradients - big picture (3:14)
StartWhat is the YOLO approach? (5:26)
StartYOLO algorithm - grid cells (6:45)
StartYOLO algorithm - intersection over union (9:02)
StartHow to train the YOLO algorithm? (7:21)
StartYOLO algorithm - loss function (4:53)
StartYOLO algorithm - non-max suppression (2:52)
StartWhy to use the so-called anchor boxes? (6:10)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation I (6:15)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation II (9:08)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation III (8:45)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation IV (12:47)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation V (12:07)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation VI (1:47)
StartYOLO algorithm implementation VII (3:47)
StartWhat is the SSD algorithm? (3:50)
StartBasic concept behind SSD algorithm (architecture) (7:17)
StartBounding boxes and anchor boxes (10:16)
StartFeature maps and convolution layers (4:40)
StartHard negative mining during training (2:22)
StartRegularization (data augmentation) and non-max suppression during training (2:14)